Keisha - Sacred Sensual Healer and
Certified tantra educator
Test like a Porn Star
Here is the information for the place where
all the Porn Stars go to get their STI tests
powered by Talent Testing Service, Inc.
Use referral code PNM841 and get a
5% discount off the regular price
Get the same test that we Porn Stars
get with fast results.
Gold Panel Testing:
- HIV-1 NAT (This is the RNA HIV test)
- RPR (Syphilis test)
- Tricomonas Vaginalis (tests for parasite in Urine)
- Treponema Pallidum Antibody, IgGby Elisa
(earlier detection of syphilis)
- HIV combo Ag/Ab (tests for HIV antibodies)
- HBsAg (Hepatitis B Surface Antigen)
- Anti-HCV (Hepatitis C Virus)
- Chlamydia (urine)
- GC Gonorrhea (urine)
- There are 432 Draw Stations
- 24 hour help line (909-553-7704)
- 24 hour turn around results
- Same Day Test results for Miami Clients
- Authentication and Verification Technology for printed test results
- Free Mobile website for Android and Iphones
- Over 20,000 tests performed in the past 5 years
- Owns it's own lab