Keisha - Sacred Sensual Healer and
Certified tantra educator
To book an appointment, please fill out the
appointment request form.

I'm so happy that you would like to receive a sensual healing session from me.
Before you make an appointment, please review my website and be sure to read my What is Tantra?
When you are ready to book and pay for your appointment, please fill out the appointment request form on the Make An Appointment page. Please fill out the form thoroughly. You will need to book your appointment a minimum of one week in advance. Please keep this in mind and plan in advance.
Please note that by filling out the form, you are agreeing to my cancellation policy.
If this is your first session, I highly recommend the 2 hour session, so that you can have a wonderful and relaxed no rush session.
My assistant Heather will get back to you via e-mail as quickly as she possibly can.
After Heather does the screening and checks your references, and you have paid for your appointment or paid a deposit, you and I can have a get-acquainted phone call or Zoom chat prior to our meeting.
If you would like to talk with me prior to making your payment or deposit, you can get an introductory phone call.
I am newbie friendly, so don't worry if you have never seen a provider before and don't have any references. The most important thing that I look for in the gentlemen, ladies or couples that come to see me is if they are respectful. If you are a newbie, please read my page For The Newbie.
You will be required to pay for your appointment in advance via PayPal/credit card or cash or money order via overnight mail with a package tracking number.
Once you inform me that you would like to pay via PayPal/credit card, I will send you a request from my PayPal account. If you are unable to pay by PayPal, please email my assistant at meetkeisha@gmail.com for alternative payment methods.
Once we have had our introductory phone call, Heather will give you the location information.
When you arrive at my incall location, I will greet you at the door and guide you into my temple of sensuality.
I love a freshly clean man or woman, so I will have you take a shower and use some mouth wash. I know you like to be fresh and clean too. Even if you took a shower right before coming to my place, I will have you take a shower, because it is not just about cleaning your body, but cleaning and clearing the energies of the day and the environment.
There is a place to hang up your clothes and after your shower, you can put on a fresh clean robe and you can join me in the bedroom.
As part of the tantra healing ritual, we will have an intake about what what to expect from our time together, and address any boundaries, fears and that you may have, and you will set a healing intention for the session. I want to make sure that I provide you with a very relaxing, session in which you can experience a conscious sexual awakening.
So many men are so used to being givers and having to "perform". In my session you are invited to let go of performing and just be in the moment an allow yourself to relax and receive.
I have discovered that most men thoroughly enjoy the opportunity to just relax, let go and be pampered. So many of my clients tell me how wonderful it is to just take all the pressure off themselves and just allow me take care of them while they relax and receive an amazing sacred sensual healing/tantra session.
I hope to provide you with a sensual and exciting experience where you can escape form the pressures of your life and have a little mini vacation which will give you a fresh perspective.
After our session is concluded, you are more than welcome to take a shower afterwards as well.
A word about our time together. Our session needs to conclude within the time that you have paid for. If you decide that you would like to stay longer, there will be an additional charge of $125 for each additional 15 minutes. This applies even if we are just hanging out and talking, because I charge for my time, not the activities that we engage in.